
Are there any parapsychologists?

by Guest32955  |  earlier

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I was wondering if I could talk to a real parapsychologist because I am really interested in getting into parapsychology and I had a few questions about it like if there is any training or special schools for it.




  1. Yes there are

  2. DR, if he chooses to answer your question, is a real parapsychologist.  There are not many around, since skeptics and many mainstream scientists disapprove of people researching parapsychology, so very few scientists even dare to get into ESP research, though there are many who are covertly interested in it.  Another parapsychologist (and professor of psychology) is Daryl Bem at Cornell University.  He started out as a skeptic, but after conducting parapsychology experiments of his own that turned out successfully realized that ESP is real.  If you look up both his and Dean Radin's websites, you will get additional information.

  3. I would start by contacting the professional association for scientist and scholars that work in the field of parapsychology, the Parapsychological Association (link below). They have a Frequently Asked Question Page that is an excellent place to start.

    Yes, there is training and education in parapsychology available (see the question what colleges teach parapsychology).

    Most of it is available in California or outside the US.

    There is also training and education available from research organizations like the Rhine Research Center (link below) and the Institute of Noetic Sciences (link below).

    However, most of the full members of the Parapsychological Association hold doctorate degrees in a conventional science (medicine, psychology, engineering, physics, etc.)

    Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.


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