
Are there any parents or students out there who live in an area where school is in session all year round?

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In the area I live we have school from August to June. It has always been like this from the time I attended school as a little girl. Recently our governor has been tossing around the idea of changing our schools system to have school all year round. My understanding is that it would be 9 weeks of school with a 3 week break?

Is there anyone out there who has this already? Do you like it and how does it affect your summer life? We are used to doing lots of camps and vacations in the summer.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?




  1. The most obvious advantage in my opinion is that you don't forget a lot of the material you learn.

    However....summer was meant to be a break from study....amen...

  2. schools in asia do that

  3. i live in illinois and we are having school all year round. myself i don't like it because i hate school but it is a good way to keep up with school work and everything. the disadvantages is that some of our holidays are cut short... summer life? there is like only a couple weeks.

  4. you have more than one three week break you have Christmas and thanks giving plus weekends you get out earlier but if you haven't known year round school all your life its hard to adjust but once you do it gets better

  5. Yes, it is called Off Tract or Non-traditional.  The advantages are you still get to have your summer vacation as you have in the past. You will have a longer spring break than most, it is three for off tract and two weeks for  most traditional schools.

    Your Christmas and Thanksgiving breaks are usually longer.

    There are no real disadvantages to the students, daycare is a problem for parents of younger children.

  6. never heard of thay

  7. well when i was back in my home country, yes, i did not even know what summer vacation was! we had about a 3 week break, and school would start again. until i came to America there is actually almost 3 MONTHS of summer vacation!

    I like it much better with a longer summer...and honestly, school year-round does not really help with your education, or at least i didn't learn anything new.

    i spend my summers doing work and taking summer courses (so i basically made my summer into school again!) but of course, i can always squeeze in time for fun

    if you have school year round...just make sure you stay on top of your work...and try to reward yourself with having some fun.

  8. There are a few schools in Alexandria, VA (Just outside of Washingt, DC) that have year round schools for about that last 2 years. The kids get close close four weeks in the summer. Please see the attached link.

  9. the student advantages are it's easier to retain learning when you're only out of school three weeks at a time. also you don't have that long grind of school so less letdown at the end of the school year.

    parental advantage is it breaks up the large day care bill that usually accrues over the summer to smaller bites. also more flexibility when dealing with family vacations, you don't have to do everything all during the hottest time of the year

  10. I have not had the experience, but I think this is a terrible idea.

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