
Are there any parts of Argentina that don't have winters?

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I Would really like to live in Argentina but i cannot handle the cold at all and Argentina has some brutal winters!!!

Is there anywhere in Argentina that is always warm?




  1. North and Northeast argentina has tropical like weather. In it's Capital there hasn't been a snow since 1915. Winters are not "BRUTAL" but they are humid,therefore bone chilling. Unless you're accostume to tropical weather year round, just go to the northern areas.

  2. are you sure Argentina has any winters at all?

  3. Have u ever heard the quote that says "Argentina has all climates"?

  4. Northern Argentina is warmer ~ closer to the equator.  Seasons are the reverse of North America.  Here's info about the city of Salta:

  5. I am from argentina and the north its the best place to live, because winters are not too cold. I think u should live in Misiones,Salta or any northern city.

    P.S.: I apologise for my bad english! ´n_n`

  6. I would also like to live in Argentina, but haven't made a decision to move from Sydney just yet! It is a good and easy life in Australia!

    I am assuming that you have been there and know that even though it can be very cold in BSAS it is an amazing city and you may just want to put up with the few months of cold. It isn't like London (where I also lived) where the winter is not just cold, but very long.

    Some places to live if you don't like the cold much are:


    The hottest months in Iguazu Falls are October through April. During the rest of the year - the climate slightly changes based on the hot breezes from the Amazon and cold winds from Patagonia. Winter months are a bit cooler, especially at night.

    The best time to visit Iguazu Falls is from January to March - the rainy season, this is when water flow of the waterfall is significantly increased. During the rest of the year the flow is more reduced and there are few other variations. The waterfall still looks unbelievable any time of year.

    In reality, the climate in Iguazu Falls and the surrounding rainforest varies very little. There almost always some chance of rain in the region, but the rain takes very little away from the experience of the waterfall.


    Salta's climate is warm and dry with few rains during the summer months. Even in the winter month of June through September, the temperatures are very pleasant and make Salta a nice destination to visit during that time of the year.

    When traveling to Salta, keep in mind that the temperatures drop significantly at night throughout the year so some warm clothing is recommended in the evenings.


    During the winters, the maximum temperatures hover around 20 °C, which makes for comfortable noons and early afternoons. However, nights are cold and temperatures may drop below freezing level. The best season is springtime.

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