
Are there any people from southern california who hate being adopted?

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let us try again. bet not. are you from so cal and do you LOVE being adopted?

This is a for real quesition I'm thinking of writing a paper on it




  1. I am from So Cal and I am adopted. I am glad I was. If you want to email me I can give you the full story.

  2. Loads.  California has sealed records.  Who in their right mind would be happy about being discriminated against like that simply because they were adopted

  3. Ok, I'll take the bait because G's answer cracks me up.  I am from Southern California and I like being adopted.  ;-)  

    Just trying to keep the balance here.   Good Luck on that paper.

  4. Surfnerd, I think you're barking up the wrong tree here.  I'm from SoCal, too, and I'm not happy being an adoptee.  It's not about where I was raised, or how rich my adoptive family was, or if I lived in a mansion and had a pony.  

    I know you're just trying to understand and you think it must have something to do with who got a "better deal", but that's just not the reason why I don't like being adopted.

  5. How much did you love thinking your girlfriend might be your sister?

    Is incest better in SoCal?

  6. I am from So Cal and I love being adopted.    I know that some will say they do not wish they were adopted, and for those I am truly sorry- but I love it so much that I followed suit and adopted 2 children- who also love adoption, by the way.

    EDIT- I would love to know why it is so frowned against when someone is happy that they were adopted- I never said that there aren't people who aren't however what makes is so absurd to think there can not be happy adoptions?

  7. both my adopted crack babies were from southern cali, and they hated it there, but love living with me in a pennsylvania trailer park.

  8. I'm in so cal and I don't love being adopted ( insert smiley with tongue sticking out here)

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