
Are there any people that actually make love potions?

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  1. Well ya, mystics, voodoo doctors, etc, they try to give us a dash of magic.

  2. Love potions are typical in south east Asia, and have been mentioned in folklore for centuries.  The potion is usually drank and followed by a ceremony. Set up a circle of candles and put the following in a bowl: a strand a your lovers hair, kalo plant, fresh basil, and plenty of urine.  Drink the concoction and chant your lovers name while masturbating.  Good Luck!

  3. Yes, I know a lady who does just that, and someone told me that they really work.

    I do not need anything of that since I am too old for it, been Married for 50 years, and very happily.

  4. making a love potion is really are the ingredients......{1} make eye contact with the one you like, {2} say hi...the rest after that is up to you both .....see, simple

  5. I guess the closest thing would be alchol.

  6. not that i've heard of. and really, how can you make love potions and how could they possibly work? just try to find love yourself without casting spells and making love potions.

  7. True acts of kindness, with a pinch of just being yourself...

    Open honesty and of course a little love of your own....Works 90% of the time.

  8. ...YES, liquor distilleries and don't always work though... gets you started...then???

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