
Are there any photos of the areas directly beneath the Temple Mount?

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For example, what lies behind the Western Wall, or beneath the Foundation Stone, etc, or just anything below the platform on the Temple Mount.




  1. isreal is trying to destroy the Al-aqsa Mosque.

    all those Pix shows that they were recently made.

    the Isreali gov. is fooling the entire world just so they can say they

    belong in Palestine

  2. Shay said it perfectly.

  3. yes, i have even seen it, one can take a tour, is called Western Wall Tunnel tour , its very interesting

    i found some great pictures for you, but it cant compare to the real thing

  4. There is no proof that the temple was there. Even if you examine the pictures of the tunnels Dandy posted, you will discover from the first look that those arches were built according to the Roman style and has nothing to do with the Hebrews .

    The temple is a myth same as the kingdom of David and Exodus.

    Thank you Dandy for sharing the photos.

  5. No, the walls around the temple mount are restraining walls.  They were filled in with dirt to level the mount so that the temples could be built there.  

  6. You'll have to trust me on this one, the entire area under the Al Aqsa Mosque is hollow, a cavity, one big hole. The Mosque is actually "standing" on huge pillars, the first set of pillars start about 15 feet from the (double gate blocked) on the south wall surrounding the mount, the hollow has steps that go under it starting outside the south wall, approx 30 yards out and go to the wall and continue all the way under the Mosque in an incline, part of the steps exit in what is called the old Al Aqsa Mosque. I was under the Mosque a number of times, seen this with my own eyes, pictures I took were sent to my commanders and will be used in the future.

    I served there during the first " Intifada".

    The Muslim Waqf  was and is destroying evidence of Jewish antiquities they have been doing it for years.

    As for evidence, there is tons of it.

    I hope this map will make understanding easier.

    As for the Foundation Stone.


  8. I have been under the Kotel, the links of the pictures that Dandy provided you are right on.   Here in USA there have been documentaries by archeologists bemoaning the fact that the Jewish artifacts under the temple mount as Shay has mentioned have been destroyed.

  9. To the answerer above me:

    The midrash states that “There are three places regarding which the nations of the world cannot taunt Israel and say ‘you have stolen them.’ They are: The Cave of the Patriarchs, the Temple Mount and the burial site of Joseph", for it is recorded in the Bible that each of these places was purchased "for its full price" by Abraham, David and Jacob respectively.

    Genesis Rabba 79.7: "And he bought the parcel of ground, where he had spread his tent...for a hundred pieces of money." Rav Yudan son of Shimon said: ‘This is one of the three places where the non-Jews cannot deceive the Jewish People by saying that they stole it from them, and these are the places: Ma’arat HaMachpela, the Temple and Joseph’s burial place. Ma’arat HaMachpela because it is written: ‘And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver,’ (Genesis, 23:16); the Temple because it is written: ‘So David gave to Ornan for the place,’ (I Chronicles, 21:26); and Joseph’s burial place because it is written: ‘And he bought the parcel of ground...Jacob bought Shechem.’ (Genesis, 33:19)."

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