
Are there any places in Italy (including islands,i.e.Sicily, Sardinia) where Americans or Tourists are Banned?

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As far as Americans traveling on vacation in Italy, I remembered something i read a few years back about this.

Seems it was refering to an Island of Italy where it was not recommeded (or actually dangerous) for basically anyone besides the poeple who lived there.

It was a large island, and possibly famous for the mafioso element or something similar(?)

Perhaps what i read was that vistors from the US were not wanted or welcome there.




  1. No, I've never heard about that...

    100% italian

  2. There are no places in Italy that are banned to Americans. There are some places, bad neighborhoods, in the bigger cities that even Italians avoid. You might have heard a travel warning for Americans in Vicenza where the locals are protesting the enlarging of an Army Post there...but there really was never any danger.

    Many people overseas really do not like the current American adminsitration but ut doesn't mean that they don't like Americans.

  3. There are military zones and other restricted areas where unauthorized people are not allowed to go, but nothing that I know of that specifically bans only Americans or tourists.

  4. I have never heard anythyng about it.

    I'm italian too

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