
Are there any places in Trinidad where you can report abuse other than the police?

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I have wondered this alot. If you see a child being abused do you call the police?Are there children services in Trinidad?I have never heard of a children's services office in Trinidad.

It goes to show how seriously messed up things are nowadays.

I will hate to see the day that will come when a child dies a cruel and unbelivable death beyond Sean Luke,Amy Emily Annamunthodo,Hope Arismendez that will finnaly open eyes of Trinidad citizens.




  1. dude Diana Mahabir-Wyatt is NOT a MP.

    Social Services division will pick up a case but will turn it over to the police.

    All ground work must be done by the police 1st.

  2. To be honest there is nothing like getting a story out on the media (radio, newspapers, television, etc)  The Public support will be overwhelming

    There are exceptions however about reporting abuse in the Public - everyone will know!

    How about Childline (link below to telehone number)



  3. jaz, i remember that story, it was actually in the papers, his father's mother was trying to get custody of him in order to get him away from his mom.  She said that she failed Amy, but she didnt want the same thing to happen to this child.  

    But i dont know what was the outcome of that situation.

    but the truth is...abuse is abuse, physical, mental, sexual, it doesnt matter, children should not have to deal with it.  they didnt ask to come here. why must we as adults take out our frustration and short coming on them??????

    the problem is that when you take a child from their mother, where do you place that child? especially when their is abuse in the homes as well?

  4. Write to Diana Mahabir-Wyatt--a member of parliament. She deals with these issues.

  5. Well that's an interesting one. I know of Child Line, which was opened some years ago. It was a hotline but l'm not sure if it is still up and running. Yuh know how things go in this country. A nurse friend of mine told me that some months ago Emily's brother was brought in with his hand broken and cigarette burns about his body, and he's being sexually abused like Emily, BUT the mother is there denying everything like before with Emily. The general attitude will be then that if the mother ain't doing nothing bout it, who is them! l say call the authorities and let the mother spend some good time in jail next door to she "man monster"!!


    Physical or sexual.......abuse is abuse and he should not be released back to that environment.


    Hotta, you could believe these mothers? I think the fact that Amy had to DIE at the hands of this monster, NO CHILD should be kept around him. What the heck is the role of the workers of the Ministry of Social Services??!!

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