
Are there any players in the AFL that have been drafted that were over the age of 20?

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Are there any players in the AFL that have been drafted that were over the age of 20?




  1. yep

    setanta o'hailpin (ireland)

    aisakie o'hailpin (ireland)

    chris bryant (vfl)

    arron davey (vfl)

    sam mitchell (vfl)

    mill hanna (walked off the street)

    shane tuck (drafted delisted then drafted again from sanfl)

    good question,there's probably heaps more but these were off the top of my head

  2. Yeah there would be a few, Troy Wilson of the Eagles is one I can think of.

  3. Yes there have been a few.

    Brett Kirk is a pretty fair example of a mature aged draftee, he was 22 when he was drafted from North Albury (Go Hoppers!).

    He has since gone on to captain the Swans, Now one of the toughest and most respected midfielders in the competition, nominated All-Australian last season and one of the most prominent members of the club's leadership group and won an AFL premiership to boot.

  4. troy wilson was late twenties...big unit...

  5. Depends on which draft you look at, you have the NAB National Draft, the rookie draft, Pre-Season Draft.

    More over 20s get picked up in the PSD then anything else I would imagine. I doubt any over 20s get picked in the rookie draft, unless they are allowed to be mature aged rookied.

  6. there have been a few so far but off the top off my head i know alwyn davey, simon minton-connel & Damien Peverill

  7. i know jason row was drafted to brisy at the age of 21 or 23 something like sure some other players have been drafted after the age of 20

    roden got picked up by port from the draft and he is definetly over 20...but then again he came from richmond

  8. Yes.

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