
Are there any plus size pregnant women online? How is ur pregnancy going so far and how far long r u? ?

by Guest58247  |  earlier

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if it was such a big deal why didnt she say go to a nutrionist or suggest something




  1. I've NEVER heard of having a c section based on what the mom gains. I'm overweight and have gained 20 lbs (i'm induced monday only cause i'll be 12 days overdue, NOT cause of weight) The dr's just said to watch my carbs cause my glucose test was borderline for diabetes. no one EVER threatened me with a c section.  

  2. wow i have gained 38lbs and am 38weeks but my doctor hasn't said anything to me about a c section. she did tell me that i had to watch my weight since day one and every visit she tells me i'm gaining too much but she has always said that a vaginal birth is the best and c section is a last resort if the baby is in danger.i would talk to her more in depth and get an explanation as to why it can't just be cause your overwieght there are alot of overwieght women who give birth and are perfectly fine.

  3. You should definitely make an appointment with another doctor for a second opinion.  If you have any friends who are plus size and have children, ask them to recommend a doctor.  If you have had a c section before, then doctors will usually want to do one again, especially if the baby is too big, because it can actually tear the previous c section.  But your doctor can simply monitor the baby's growth and induce your labor early to prevent the baby from getting too big.  My mom was very plus sized and had 3 children.  Only one of them had to be a c section, and that was because he was sideways in the uterus.  This is your baby, and no one should force a choice upon you unless it's medically necessary.  You have every right to seek another opinion.  Good luck!

  4. i am 37 weeks and have gained 13 pounds...

  5. Hi honey,

    I am not a plus size but a size large and overweight to start with.I am over 5 months. I dont think that you might need a C- section if you are overweight unless you have complications yourself.In the absence of any other complications , you can have a natural delivery if yourbaby also co operates.I know plus size women who have given birth naturally and its not uncommon.Dont worry abt C-section now as its quite far.You can always let your preferences know and ask your doctor for  exact reasons for insisting on C-section.Good luck.

  6. Just so you know your doctor cannot force you to have a have to consent to it. I would think of switching doctors too. I HATE mine but unfortunately im already 38 weeks so theres not really a point to it now. Goodluck and congrats!

  7. I was chunky when I got pregnant. I'm not 7 months pregnant, and baby is very healthy... I've only gained about 5 pounds. So, I (myself) have probably lost weight... I joke with my husband that being pregnant has been the best diet plan EVER! :)

  8. I am just a few days past you..I'm 19w4d. So far I have gained 10. I gained that in 6weeks. With my previous babies I lost 20, gained back 9 with my daughter and with my son I just gained 22. I lost as time went on. I am always pretty sick so I rarely overeat anyways. No point in The good thing for me this time is I had lost 70lbs before getting pregnant so I still have the drive to work out and keep moving even if I feel barfy. So that should keep any extra fluff from packing on. As long as I stay healthy, which I am, I don't worry too much. I can still run after my older kids if I need to =)

    Both prior births were vaginal, one at home.

  9. yes change doctors....or at least get a second opinion

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