
Are there any poets willing to write me a poem ?

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Are there any poets willing to write me a sweet, romantic poem about a frog who gets kissed by a beautiful princess ? ( This isn't a homework assignment . )




  1. The Frog's Sonnet by Douglas A Cavin

    The passion of that blissful feat

    The happen stance that we would meet

    The distance bridged made, oh, so sweet

    That made all heaven wonder

    The princess and the humble toad

    The path for each, a different road

    The lavish joy cupid bestowed

    One arrow, then the thunder

    The transformation in the kiss

    The fate that willed I would not miss

    The life re-born to rapture’s bliss

    That made my heart its plunder

    The mystery, Oh, what did she see?

    The shrouded prince beneath this tree?

    The soul, once bound, by love set free?

    The treasure in the blunder!

    The lesson for the yearning heart

    The trap in judging frogs like art

    The future missed love could impart

    The spell we should fall under

  2. There once was an extremely  friendly talking frog

    Who was very popular in the surrounding town and bog.

    Fred was his name, and he was quite well-known;

    Since he could talk, he got his own phone.

    One day it rang with a more feminine peal,

    When Fred answered he couldn't believe it was real

    Because on the other end of the telephone line

    Was the town's most beautiful Princess with a heart so kind.

    She had the face of an angel and whenever she passed by,

    It was all he could do to stop himself from having a good cry.

    You see, Fred was content for much of his life

    But what he wanted most of all was to have a wife.

    Not any girl frog would do as his mate

    In fact, Fred was willing and hoping to wait

    For the slightest chance the Princess might

    Overlook the fact he was a frog and not a Knight.

    Fred now listened as the Princess spoke in a sweet dulcet voice

    Telling Fred how she had just made a choice

    That before she married her father's friend's son, Prince Alowishis

    She wanted Fred to meet with her and give her a kiss.

    The Princess confessed she had a secret crush on Fred

    And needed to know when all done and said

    That after their kiss if there were no sparks at all

    The Princess would answer to the pre-arranged marriage call.

    Fred cried, "Princess meet me right away under the old oak tree!"

    So the two of them leapt and raced with equal glee

    And as soon as they were there,  they fell into each others arms

    One kiss - that was all it took for Fred's charms

    To win the heart of the Princess as she watched in awe

    As Fred the frog turned into the most handsome man she ever saw!

    So here ends a romantic story about an unlikely pairing,

    And I've enjoyed with you all my poem I am sharing.


    Composed right here and now by Hilarious but Exhausted 07/09/08

  3. one beautiful woman in which beauty elegantly radiates off her smooth soft skin spreading harmony where ever she may wander across from in a green puddle of filth lies a small creature with long hind legs short slender body and protruding eyes little does he know soon he will have a brush with beauty one that will permanently alter his life  one day the princess was walking near a swamp to get peace and quiet  as she was walking she clumsily tripped over a small rock at that moment the frog and the princess locked eyes the princess  eyes enlarged the frog said '' miss are you okay ?''  the princess screamed loudly vastly surprised that the frog is having a dialog with her frog slowly creeps toward the edge of the swamp and says don''t be startled my dear I'm just a frog i mean no harm' ''but you can talk'' frog says well actually I'm a human stuck in a frogs body i was banished from the royal kingdom for defying the kings orders  he had a curse placed on me that one certain woman would have to kiss me if the wrong woman kissed me she too would end up as a frog as the sun begin to set as the hour began to drift away the frog and the princess delved deeper talking about love life their past then suddenly their was an ackward pause time froze their lips met and the frog transformed back into a handsome man

  4. she cry's, too tired of this lonely life

    she sits silently skipping stones

    and beside her bravely hops a fog

    She thinks if only the story's were true

    maybe my prince will spring from this frog

    with tender lips she kisses the elegant frog

    before her eyes a hansom prince appears

    amazed by her beauty he sweeps her off her feet

    and into the sun set they stroll

                  Felicia Mac

  5. the beautiful princess sat on a stone crying

    she couldn't take her husband's yelling and lying

    "don't cry" said the lonely frog

    the princess was startled and she tripped on a log

    the frog hopped by her side and said"don't be scared, I mean no harm"

    the princess smiled because she liked something about the frogs charm

    they sat on the log and talked for almost an hour

    the princess told him that she lived in a high, pointy tower

    the princess was falling in love, and in a second flat, the frog got kissed

    seconds later, he turned into the prince that she Awfully missed

    she thought he was dead all these years

    she didn't have any words, she only had tears

    and that's the end of the chapter

    the princess and the frog lived happily ever after


    well that's the best I could come up with! it wasn't easy! your welcome!!!! =]

  6. she's a beauty to me, hair on fire

    crowned by the setting sun

    her eyes are the true pools that I drown in

    when she tells me I'm the one

    she can see me through the dirt and wear

    past the holes in my thrift-store sweater

    she found me in a ditch in dry riverbed road

    and swears she can do no better

    her arms reach down and gather me

    we kiss, her lips press back my "no's"

    and I find I am the prince she saw in me

    when we leave behind our clothes

    I just wrote it. A little different take. Hope you like it.


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