
Are there any positive effects of bushfire?

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Are there any positive effects of bushfire?




  1. It retards succession. As a rule, intermediate stages in a sere are more productive than the climax stage.

  2. Yes in Australia. It helps regenerate the bush. If you get rain after a bushfire, it will grow like wild.

  3. I heard the Native Americans intentionally set controlled fires in the past; I guess from what I've read here, it makes the soil more fertile.

  4. Bush fired fertilize the surrounding soil, force nearby plants such as evergreens to drop their seeds in this new fertile soil and tends to rid the forest of some biological toxins and diseases. It also leads to new growth which is always good for the environment.  

  5. A pine cone will only fully release all of its seeds if it has been exposed to the heat of a fire making it more able to reproduce.  It also fertilizes the soil and kills vines that can kill some trees.

  6. kills the weak sick slow animials. plenty of food left fot the strong

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