
Are there any positive points on outsourcing?

by Guest11008  |  earlier

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Are there any positive points on outsourcing?




  1. cheaper labour costs is the #! advantage, only seen by the owners

  2. well the top reason would be money, most companies that outsource to other companies do this because the companies that provide outsourcing services  can complete the work for considerably less money, reasons for this being that they don't have to provide benefits to their workers, and have fewer overhead expenses to consider.

  3. It depends on which side of the fence you are on, and how close you look at the problem.  If you look at it as someone who lives in America outsourcing sucks because it sends jobs and money out of america... OUCH!!!!

          If you look at it globally it is a good thing because it gives jobs to a lot of third world countries that need jobs.  In india more then a third of the jobs are outsourced jobs.  That means that over half of Indias income comes from jobs other countries have outsouced. They get to feed their familes.

         I didn't think it mattered much until I actually went to south east asia for a few years.  The countries are VERY poor, and they need the money very much.  I wish Americans would get off their *** long enough to want to stop driving a Catalic escelade and want to work hard and earn the type of money outsourcing provides.  If America could outsouce to americans, I would be VERY happy. There are so many americans that need jobs.

    You are asking a double edged question.

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