
Are there any prescription mood-altering drugs that keeps you from attempting to commit suicide?

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Are there any prescription mood-altering drugs that keeps you from attempting to commit suicide?




  1. there is a lot, antidepressants like zoloft, welbutrin, prosac.  or some mood stabilizers like lithium or lamictal.  see a psychiatrist if you need to.

  2. HydroCodine, but uh thats not very good for you and not intended for that purpose.  Worked for me tho :P

  3. They wont KEEP you from committing suicide, but they'll take the edge off the crushing depression that might drive you closer to it.  My ex had some good reactions to Lexapro after trying many others, but you may have to try a couple of different ones to find the right fit for your brain chemistry.

  4. sleeping pills. nobody kills themselves while asleep.

  5. Yes, there are and you need to see a doctor.Don't let this get any worse. You are no doubt suffering from clinical depression, which is an illness, just like any other, and needs treatment

  6. There are anti-depressants... but these also tend to have an impact on your libido as one of the side effects... Now for a dude like me... lol... that's gotta be more depressing than whatever it is that got me there in the first place.. so for a cure, I just go out and get myself laid up as often as possible by as many people as I can find.. preferably all at the same time!.. This tends to be quite a tiring event .. and so I sleep well. But you know .. that's just me... lol.  

  7. Lexapro, Pexeva, and Celexa all work for me. The only reason for prescription changes is side effects.

  8. I've never heard of any drugs that are specifically for this purpose. Anti-depressants are intended to lift your mood and make you strong enough to work on yourself to manage/get over clinical depression.  In turn this should hopefully reduce suicidal feelings and a person wanting to die because they are so unhappy.  Ironically though when a person first starts on anti-depressants it is a riskier time for suicide, as the person may have more energy to carry out their suicidal plans, when before they were too low to be motivated to act on them.

    Research shows that a person's much more likely to get better if they have a combination of medication and a talking therapy like cbt or counselling-no medication is a magic cure to relieve unhappiness or suicidal feelings alone.

  9. You have to see your doctor as soon as possible and explain the doctor what do you feel.

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