
Are there any program in oc, ca where an international student can go live with a family to attend school?

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im from the uk and would like to go to a high school in this area. are there any families willing to open their homes to 16 year olds so they can do so?




  1. There are a few organizations that deal with homestay programs and if you just godl those words you should be able to find them. As weel if you contact some international language schools many times they have a data base of families that are open to this.

    i know one school group in Los Angels not OC called Poly that does exactly that.

  2. afs also give you this option, but they don't let you choice where exactly you wanna stay, do not take a EF program, i had a really awful experience with them, and also know other people who had too.

  3. The International Rotary offers an exchange student program, you might try looking into that. I'm not sure how much choice you have in where you get to go, but you do get to spend a school year in another country and you typically would live with three different families during the school year (one of my friends just hosted a student from France--after the school year she went on a Rotary trip across the United States).

    Good luck.

  4. Education First (EF) has programs that exchange to some parts of California.

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