
Are there any programs that would allow me to stay with Irish locals?

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My plan is to stay for 2 weeks and wondered if it was at all possible for me to stay at an inn for a week and then with locals my age? (25)




  1. I would recommend staying in Youth Hostels.  They are inexpensive and fun.  You can meet younger people there.  I used to live in Ireland and worked in a hostel in Galway.  There are also people that open up their homes to visitors.  Check into this as a possibility.  Go to Ireland websites and check these out.  B & B's are good too, but more expensive.Good luck and have fun.  It is beautiful and friendly.

  2. Stay in a youth hostel.  That's where younger travellers then to converge.

  3. "Inns" I'm afraid we have not, but plenty of B&Bs, and unless you want to enlist for an Irish college where most people would be way younger than you, I can't think of any programme that would cater to your wishes. As has been said before, a hostel yould be your best bet.

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