
Are there any programs to measure how much bandwidth I have used

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know how much data I download and upload, any programs that measure all data coming out of my computer and coming in.




  1. Well, to answer that we need to know a few things.

    Are you using a router?  If so you need to monitor ALL computers not just one.

    What OS are you using, OSX and Linux have monitors built in which may work for you depending on the router question, Good ol XP and Vista don't but they require different programs depending on which you are running.

    Once you tell us, we can the point to some correct programs to help.

    You can also just do a search for Bandwidth Usage Monitors

    One such program that's good is

    AnalogX Netstat Live

    and an article on how to use it

    It is fine, if you only need to monitor ONE machine!

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