
Are there any programs where i can donate pornography to our troops?

by  |  earlier

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  1. General Order #1 generally prohibits any type of enjoyable activity but specifically prohibits pornography, hence our Soldiers and Marines love getting it, but there is no specific charity donating it.

    Hooters does have a program that sends calenders to the troops.  Just to up the ante, you can have all the girls from the restaurant you buy them through to sign the calenders.  They also send their girls (volunteer basis) over from time to time on USO tours.  Great morale booster, even if it's on a no touch basis.  In other words, eating at Hooters (I go for the great food as well) supports the troops!  (especially if ya send the calender as well!)

    That's about as close as any come to sending p**n (as a charity anyway).  

    On the other hand if you sent it to a specific Soldier who knew how to keep it out of the wrong persons view, he'd be particularly grateful since he won't be seeing the real thing for a while (also prohibited by General order #1: Thou shalt not have any kind of fun.)

  2. WUT?!

  3. Uh, well, I don't think so,...seems I recall that p**n is a big NO-NO as far as the military is concerned.

    You really want to help? Ya really want to say Thanks? Then join the PGR, they have  a number of ways to show support for our men and women.  Everything form standing in a flag line for various 'missions' to helping military families in need.

    Ask the local churches and organizations that sponsor military families.

    As far as p**n goes, the closest I think that is acceptable is calendars from a certain sports bar that features scantily clad well endowed young ladies.....

  4. Boy your overwhelming display of patriotism overwhelms me..NOT!!!! You can thank a soldier in many ways. Sending them p**n will get them into deep trouble, and they cant "get any" why they are there, so your going to give them p**n?? Fly a flag, display a yellow ribbon, shake a soldiers hand, young and old and say "thanks" Make a care package and send...


  6. US Military has had poronography limitations in effect for years. Playboy is allowed. All other publications and videos are prohibited. "You bought it you burn it."

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