
Are there any prominent women MPs in the Japanese Diet? And if so, are there any who might be Prime Minster?

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If not now, as in the near future?

I understand that all of Japan's Prime Minsters have been male, any chance for a female one?




  1. Besides Ms. Yuriko Koike, I have also heard Ms. Seiko Noda's name mentioned as a possible candidate for both the head of the LDP and, therefore, the PM.

    Ms. Noda is very popular and has completely recovered from being expelled by the LDP leadership during for opposing then PM Koizumi's privatization of Japan Post.

    Ms. Noda is a member of PM Fukuda's Cabinet which is something that Ms. Koike is not.

    However, unless their is a major change in thinking within the LDP, I don't think we see a woman PM this time around.

    Right now, I would say the front runner is probably be Taro Aso. He's a lifetime politician with lots of connections who ran for LDP President a few times.

    Aso is not the most popular guy among LDP members and is quite conservative and somewhat controversial. But, he has served in a number of high profile party and cabinet posts and is well known by the public.

    He's also has a more dynamic personality than Fukuda and looks better on TV, so he might be just what the LDP needs to survive any special election that will most likely be called after a new PM is chosen.  

  2. Ms. Yuriko Koike, former Defense Minister, is said to be one of next prime minster candidates.

  3. There are, and have been, dozens of female lawmakers in Japanese Diet. But, Japan has never had a female PM before. Takako Doi was very close to the premiership when her Socialist Party made an outstanding victory in the mid 1980's. But she could not make it to the top.

    Neither Yuriko Koike nor Seiko Noda has a chance to be the PM. No one considers them as serious politicians:

    Koike has been moving from one party to another, chasing for power without any political belief. Yes, she was a defense minister for only 6 weeks! immediately before the fomer PM Abe stepped down last Sep.

    Noda was kicked out of LDP by former PM Koizumi, and has just come back to the party a year ago. Noda is just representing the local interests of her constituency. She is not capable to be a leader of the nation.

    Politics in Japan is in terrible confusion. Female candidates are  mentioned just to avoid criticisms from the nation. No one seems to be serious. Japan is not ready to have a female PM for another decade to say the least.  

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