
Are there any questions in this section...

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Are there any questions in the Pregnancy and Parenting sections that you read and at first you go to answer and then you decide that you don't want to be pulled into the drama that the question is going to start so you don't answer the question after all?


There was a question just posted in the Parenting Section regarding circumcision. I was all ready to answer and then I thought about how everyone would put me down regarding my answer, which in turn would tick me off, so I decided to just not answer. :)

Does that ever happen to you? What was the question about? :)




  1. Actually, i would never not answer a question because someone would put me down.  we have a beautiful gift called free speech.  this is a form of it.  We dont all agree on everything.  thats what makes the world go round.  if you believe in something then you should give your opinion. As long as its within the realm of sanity.  The topic you mentioned, circumcision is a hot button topic, and yes the answers get very passionate and sometimes nasty.  Dont ever not answer a question becuase you are afraid you might get shouted down.  Your opinion is as good as anyone elses's besides.  You may have information that no one else has.  

    Im pro circumcision, but my answers always have a lopsided amount of thumbs down except here in the mommies section, because of an organized campaign against it.  I know its there but i feel i have to present the other side.

    Be the other side.  If you dont stand up for your own opinons and beliefs after a while nobody else will either.

    hope this helps;

  2. Yep...I just debated on whether or not to answer your soap question.  I decided to because I could really care less what all these "perfect" moms think.

  3. yes!!

    breast feeding, bottle feeding after 1 year old, binkie dependance, CIO methods, abortion

    for the record...I breastfed for 2 weeks, gave up and dont feel bad about it.  i refuse to bottle feed after my daughter is a year old.  shes never been a fan of the bink, but i wouldnt mind if she was.  i absolutely HATE when i see kids with binks at like 3 years old though and im a pro-choicer all the way

    OH and also...and im so ready for all the thumbs down....getting my 11 month old on a schedule was impossible before we tried the CIO method.  Hate to say it, but at the same time i dont...its the only thing hat worked.  for my family, for this particular child, the CIO method worked and im ashamed to say im not ashamed

  4. Yes, usually the bottle vs. breast feeding drama.  I usually can't help myself though :0)

  5. Yes, and I skipped the same question for the same reason.  Some of those topics, circumcision or not, breast or bottle, cry it out or attachment parenting....they are best left alone.  I do not always have the patience to deal with some of those answers, so I skip them.  Of course, not always.  Every once in a while, I feel in the mood to defend my position to the end, just not today. :)

  6. YES ... Breast feeding.

  7. Oh yes! There are some that come to mind. Breast feeding Vs. Bottle feeding. There is so much controversy with that subject, I try to bite my tongue and stay out of it as much as possible. Also, any questions regarding abortion.

    Oh, and then there are those "off the wall" questions. Things about abuse or what not. I try to stay out of those because more than likely they are just "trolls" and don't really want an answer. They just like to get a rise out of people.

  8. I try to avoid the CIO questions to keep my blood pressure down, but I have a hard time doing so sometimes.  Yeah, I answer the circumcision and vaccination questions and know the thumbs down are coming but it doesn't bother me.  

    I guess I tend to avoid anything that I feel strongly about but is controversial.  I don't want to come off as judgmental (b/c I'm not) just for voicing my opinion.  

    I find myself frequently answering and deleting it before I click on submit, lol.  I have to tell myself, "shut up, Nina", hahaha.

  9. hi there this happens to me all the time with the "termination " questions !!!

    i still answer as it really bug me that alot of the pepole on here think they are god and judge the ladies/girls that write in !!

    alot of times i get " thumbs down" for my answers with regards to this subject !!

    you are allowed an opinion so just say what you feel and dont worry about others .

    good luck


  10. Yep, all the time :) Circumcision, ferber "controlled crying" method, cereal in the bottle at night.  Oh, I'm sure there are a lot more!!!!!!  My brain hasn't kicked in yet this morning.  I usually get all the way to almost hitting "submit" and then just cancel it.  

    I try and not let other people bother me here, but sometimes people just make me crabby!  

  11. Oh I've done it many times. I've even gone as far as to write my answer but then never submit it. Some have been about abortion, formula feeding/breastfeeding, smoking, circumcision, spanking/child abuse. You know all the questions that get people all riled up. I had this intense arguement one time over smoking with a TEENAGER and it was soo bad that she deleted her question. It especially p*sses me off when people don't understand where the other person is coming from. Such as smoking while being pregnant. YES  I know I shouldn't of done it but I couldn't quit. And then people argue with you about being a bad parent and that they quit when they found out. It's like "GREAT you have a stronger will power than I do." It has nothing to do with how much I love my children or my parenting skills.  

  12. The only questions that really bother me are the Moms who have such little experience with their toddlers and the question of discipline, of course we have all gone through these stages with our first born.  How can you get it across to Mom's, that this is the stage of discovery.  Spanking is not a good option, time out in a chair?   My baby daughter actually gave me the best answer when she was racing around after toodlers. She said "Mom, you have to pick your battles carefully",  if you don't  you stay in the world of war. I let them be kids.  

    In giving my answers to some of the Mom's. apparently they want to hear the magic words that will make their life so much easier, there are no magic words.  If they don't like the answers, they will at least remember them on their second child.  All you can do is just plant a seed of wisdom.  If others don't agree, don't worry about it, its not worth the time and trouble.  

  13. Yes.  There have been a lot of questions about abortion on here that I didn't answer for that very reason.  I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but why do they come on here to see what everyone else would do.  It doesn't matter what we think because in the end, they will live with the decision they made for the rest of their life.  So many people want to know what others think, but how can we possibly know how their situation is, you know.  Good question.

  14. Yes. I usually skip all the controversial questions on here, like breast vs. bottle, circumcision, cio, etc. Sometimes I will click to answer and then when I am thinking about what to type I will decide to skip it and go to something else.

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