I've heard many times that adopting is selfish. People who adopt because they want to "save" someone or to save their marriage, etc. is selfish. I agree. But I'm not talking about those people. I'm talking about people who just want to be parents and that is equated with selfish. Again, I agree. BUT, I don't see that as a bad thing. Frankly, I believe that people should only adopt (and give birth) because they want to be parents. People can dress themselves up in the idea that it's not about them becoming parents that it's solely to provide a family for a child that needs one and becoming a mom is simply a happy consequence and secondary. Sorry, but I don't believe you. Nobody jumps through all the hoops, fills out the endless paperwork & endures the emotional rollercoaster who does not really want to be a parent. Does anyone really believe that having a child biologically is NOT selfish? Wanting to become a mom is primal and I don't believe giving birth is any less selfish.