
Are there any real Psychic's out there? I need your expertise...?

by  |  earlier

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Please would you email me if you could... I just need a little assistance with a few things... I would be eternally grateful to you all!

Thank you so much!





  2. Well, let me tell you. Im not a psychic like those dudes who claim they could make a table levitate just by staring at it...Ive had several dreams that sort of predicted things that actually happened...I didnt know outright what they meant...Its hard to explain...Email me, maybe we could help each other?

  3. No there isn't don't listen to anything anyone says, there is no such thing. Some people tweak out on lsd and think they can read minds.

  4. im not but you can go check out some psychic's websites.....i came across one once but i forgot the name srry, or you can tell me what it is and i'll TRY to help

  5. Okay, i'll answer you here. I am new to yahoo answers, and don't exactly know how to e-mail you from here. So if you are quite serious about this, please e-mail me with your questions.

  6. Our own mind is very mysterious because experts say that mind receives some 100 million bits of information per second and mind talks to itself. People misunderstood this flow of information as psychic  power and think that some outside force is talking to them. Nobody can read our mind except our own mind i.e. our brain. The question "psyhic's out there?" cannot be answered because there is no proof of such powers outside the realm of physical laws.

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