
Are there any regulars in the cricket category?

by Guest57553  |  earlier

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Are there any regulars in the cricket category?




  1. Yes yes!!

  2. I would like to believe that there are indeed, regular contributors, but it will take some time before these names get the recognition...

  3. Cricket! and regulars, so much effect of heat on the action.....

  4. I used to be a top contributor but then I switched my major field of study from insects to felines.  But cats works out way better for me I never got many answers in the cricket section

  5. Regular contributors seem to be dwindling somewhat (for various reasons), it's getting quieter around here and sometimes there are times when I don't recognize any of the posters which puts me off answering.

    And also I'm not contributing much at the moment because of university exams and coursework. Once those are over I might contribute a little more.

  6. hahaha

    lets see how many admit to it

  7. I sometimes listen to cricket on the radio. srsly.

    I find it soothing.

    and my dad used to watch snooker (pool) on a black and white telivision. Thank god for the Simpsons, that's all I can say. English ppl like things bland.

  8. And better yet, why is this the only insect section?  Why are crickets so special?

  9. Yeah, I have been a regular for the last two months, and just received my Top Contributor badge. But I too, like Sarah N, need to take a break to prepare for school exams. Must be the case with a lot of the younger contributors here, so currently the category is going through a slow spell. But don't worry, it will warm up again when the Top Contributors return.

  10. yes i am a blogger on cricket


  11. yes ma'am

  12. Crickets are creepy little bugs- I like to spray them with Raid.

  13. The cricket section used to have so many regulars,

    SMARNY Montitude, Bingalee, ange j, Idealist, Rehman, Asif, Tearsnafeez, Nakalafairly, Furiosolion, KiwiJOEY KooKee,  JPeeling, Quandry, Damo and Oz

  14. Yes, of course, I am a regular here

  15. erm no shir-rt sherlok

  16. Yes, me, Kiwijoey, KooKee, Gilly,Cool Manu, Furioso Lion,Montitude, Rehman,Adarsh,Romper Stomper, Quandry & many more.

  17. There USED to be, now i can't i think of one person who reguarly contributes Question and answers in the cricket section. I used to answer 20 cricket q's a day, and ask 1 or 2 cricket q's a day but i don't anymore.

    The cricket section used to have so many regulars, Montitude, Bingalee, ange j, Idealist, Rehman, Asif, Tears, Nakala, Furioso, KiwiJOEY KooKee, Matt, JPeeling, Quandry, Damo and Oz (lol) just to name a few

  18. I prefer grasshoppers.

  19. Few are there and most of them disappear time and again.

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