
Are there any relatively easy ways to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard?

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For some reason, my backyard is covered with mosquitoes during the spring and summer months. There is no standing water and not many low spots that water will sit in after a rain. Every time I go outside, I come back in covered with bites. I've used every spray imaginable and still get bit. I'd love to get rid of these pests if possible or at least find something that will protect me - short of wearing long sleeves and pants in 95 degree weather!




  1. Put up a bat house.  Bats are great mosquito munchers.  And no, they're not going to fly into your hair.  And no, they don't carry rabies.  Your chances of encountering a rabid bat, are the same as encountering any other rabid mammal.

  2. The cheapest and best repellent is just plane old regular  Listerine just put it in a spray bottle and spray around the areas that you will be in. even your clothes like jeans and socks, I wouldn't spray it on any thing that might cause a stain.

    It is worth a try.

    I don’t think we can get rid of all the mosquitoes but here are some suggestions

  3. Wouldn't it be nice if our fences protected us from the critters in other people's yards?  Unfortunately, mosquitoes may be traveling from next door, or the next block.  Water in plant saucers, and birdbaths, and even below gutter downspouts are places mosquitoes can breed.  They do not need standing water, just a perpetually moist area.

    The best sprays for repelling mosquitoes contain DEET, though PICARIDIN is also effective.  NEEM oil is listed as an effective organic solution, but I cannot attest to individual sensitivity to any of these.  The Wikipedia link below gives more info.  Some repellents are meant to deter mosquitoes from the general area, such as citronella candles.

    Having good air flow, and a sunny area keeps mosquitoes away.  In my yard mosquitoes are worse in the shade, and on calm days.  Other links below detail many different products for area and personal control/repelling of mosquitoes.  The last link shows the least effective products and methods.

  4. If you have tried repellent that is 100% deet, I can't imagine that it didn't work.  Check the percentages of the stuff you have tried.

    The fact that companies have sold tens of thousands of expensive ($400 or so) mosquito traps, indicates that no, there is no "easy way".  These traps, which run on propane, are expensive to buy and run, but people still buy them.

  5. get rid of standing water

  6. Put up a martin house - once populated those birds will take care of up to 200,000 mosquitoes a day.

    Plant citronella around the areas you and your family frequest -- it repels mosquitoes very effectively. Put a couple of torchieres that burn oil around. Light at dusk when the bugs really start biting. Be sure to use citronella oil in the lamps.

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