
Are there any reliable estimates on how many innocent people are in prison in U.S.?

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Are there any reliable estimates on how many innocent people are in prison in U.S.?




  1. I don't think it would be reasonable to assume that anyone would know how many people who are in prison are innocent.  You would have to have evidence that they are innocent and be able to prove that in a court of law.

  2. Including, or not including Guantanamo Bay?

  3. Once the courts find out they're innocent, they usually don't keep them in jail anymore.

  4. There is absolutely no way to estimate that.   Many people take a plea bargain simply to avoid the risk of trial.  If it helps at all at least 200 Death Row inmates have been exonerated since the Death Penalty was reinstated.  And that's just capital cases, I can't imagine how many are in prison for "Trafficking" when all they did was possession.

    Edit: And as far as the 200 people exonerated from Death Row, I've had the pleasure of meeting two of them... both their stories are riveting, heart-wrenching and infuriating!

  5. At any one time, about 0-100, most to all newborns. It's the hard, hard truth of the US.

  6. Everyone in prison is innocent. havn't you seen a **********ing movie called the Shawshank Redemption

  7. That would be impossible.  If there was a reliable fact showing someone's innocence, they would not be in prison.

  8. The most innocent people is at Iraq....why they sacrifice for Bush?

    What when wrong on them???

  9. 4

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