
Are there any reputable Spanish foreign language schools in Mexico City?

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I'm a Mexican-American with rudimentary Spanish proficiency. I'm weighing Spanish lessons in Mexico City and Buenos Aires. I've always wanted to travel to Argentina, but Mexico is so close. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Cost is a consideration, but teaching quality is my main concern.




  1. There are plenty, the most recognized is the school of languages of the National Univeristy UNAM, don't know the address or web site but look as CELE UNAM and you will find something, there is also one in Claustro de Sor Juana, just search in Google and you will find more information.

    These are not as expensive as the private ones. But I recomind you to go to another place like San Miguel de Allende or San Cristobal de las Casas or Guanajuato.

  2. The best school I know in Mexico City is Lancaster School. It is a British/Mexican School and you leave school being perfectly bilingual.

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