
Are there any requirements for opening a homeless shelter in texas?

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We don't need grants or funding and we are already a 501c3. I just don't want to get shut down because I didn't do something right and our guys be thrown on the street. It's for men only.




  1. There are actually many legal issues to consider if you plan on opening a homeless shelter, depending on the kind of shelter you have, the kind of services you provide, etc.  For example, certain licenses may need to be obtained, and certain written policies may need to be established.

    To be frank, there are just too many issues to address in the short space provided here.  I strongly recommend you consult an attorney before proceeding.  Considering the kind of work you're doing, you might be able to find one at low cost if you just ask.  Another option is to contact an established shelter and ask them how they're set up.

    As a start, you might consider looking at the Best Practices Manual at the Texas Homeless Network (THN) website.  While I am not very familiar with THN, their motto is "we help those who help the homeless."  That seems to be right up your alley.

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