
Are there any restaurants that allow people to be barefoot?

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I hardly ever wear shoes




  1. How about the not wear shoes place

  2. Maccas

  3. Japanese ones yes. esp of you want to sit on tatami mats. Also a lot of Thai and some Indian places.

    I've never been to a Chinese Rest that allow people go bear feet. It's not in their culture to sit on the ground/mats to eat as it is in Japanese and Thai cultures.

  4. i would not think there be a lot,i guess go and find out

  5. Nudist reataurants do

  6. defintly chinese sushi places there is one in melbourne called yes sushi  you should check it out

  7. You can go shoeless in some Asian restaurants but barefoot is just gross.  Nobody wants to see your toejam.

  8. places right near the beach?

  9. Yes, those near the beaches

  10. all fat food restaurants serve you .maccas burger king kfc and fish and chip places .

  11. yeah ther is one in Jamaca, it's on th beach front so you can feel the sand between your toes, it's on a couples resort.

  12. Yes, all of them here in Europe, in eleven years of going barefoot I've never been to one in the Netherlands, Belgium or Scotland that had any problem with it (and I've been to many from fast-food to quite fancy).

    Even in the US, many restaurants don't mind. I know quite a lot of US barefooters through various mailing lists and forums, and they regularly go out to dinner barefoot. Contrary to popular myth, there are NO health laws requiring footwear in restaurants, see source. Some places set their own dress codes, but there are also plenty that do not care. It is a good idea to print out your state's letter from the website in the source; some barefooters have convinced many local places to let them dine barefoot, from restaurant owners & managers who mistakingly believed there were health laws against it, but they are now regular customers there without trouble.

    Germs do not fly off the sole of a bare foot any more than off the sole of a shoe, or off the exposed skin on top of the foot any more than off the exposed skin in a sandalled foot. Nor do bare feet smell; 'foot odor' should really be called 'shoe odor' as it's not the sweat itself that smells so bad, but a substance created by bacteria in anaerobe circumstances -with lack of oxygen- as in a closed shoe. On the bare foot, even if it's a hot day and you sweat a lot, the sweat dries up without odor on healthy people's feet.

    As for people disliking the sight of bare feet, what about flipflops? Those are allowed in any place with a 'no shoes, no shirts, no service' sign, yet you still see 99% of the foot from the top... for the person going barefoot there's far more of a difference, even a thin sole does away with the pleasure of going barefoot, but looking down on the feet there's nothing covering the top of the foot but a tiny, thin strap.

  13. they had a woman on ripley's believe it or not born with no arms. when she goes  up to the drive through she hands them the money with her  feet,she said sometimes they don't want to take the money from her feet.she drives her car with her feet too.i guess if you are born without arms you can go to a fast food place wearing no shoes.

  14. i think some Japanese and Chinese restaurants. i don't know any though

  15. No, health and safety laws prohibit such a thing.

  16. Very few resturaunts have dress codes. I go barefoot in resturaunts all the time. Once in a while I'll come across someone who thinks there is a health code pertaining to that but when I show them a letter I have from the Dept. of Public health de-bunking that myth, its alright.

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