
Are there any risks to not pulling an impacted wisdom tooth?

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Are there any risks to not pulling an impacted wisdom tooth?




  1. Yes. It could cause pain to the back of your mouth and eventually cut it. I guess it's okay if you can survive with cuts at the back of your mouth all the time. I think there's also a chance of infection.

  2. I would say pain and also when the wisdom teeth are impacted they tend to push your other teeth forward. This will make your teeth really crooked.  I chose to get mine removed (they were impacted) because I didn't want to risk ruining the work my braces did for 4 years of my life jeje. So it's pretty much your choice. Your dentist will most likely recommend it being removed.  

  3. Grow wrong i guess, im not an expert on smart teeth

  4. Yes. I decided to go down that route and had them pulled at 23 because of complications. One became extremely painful (the worst pain of my life - I was put on oxycodone) and infected. Because of the extreme pain and infection I had emergency surgery (in a hospital) to pull all the impacted wisdom teeth. The surgery was harder at 23 because the roots of the wisdom teeth grow closer to nerves increasing the risk of nerve damage of which I had temporary nerve damage to one side of my face (thankfully it eventually went away). Aside from that impacted teeth can grow in strange directions crowding other teeth - they then will then impact your bite and straightness of your teeth. I wish I just gave in and had them pulled when they told me to at 18. It was a mistake - a painful one. However, the surgery was not bad at all and I don't have much of a pain tolerance.

    Impacted wisdom teeth can also cause cysts in your mouth which are extremely painful and surgery is necessary.

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