
Are there any romantic places in adelaide australia where we can go to spend our anniverssary?

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This is our first visit to adealide, australia. I want to suprise my wife and take her to a nice, quiet romantic getaway to spend our anniverssary there.




  1. Rent A House Boat and have a few nights on the Murray River, I could not recommended it more highly.

    Fantastic Views, Great Food, The Best Few Days Of Your Life.

    Contact South Australian Tourism

    Many Places You Can Get Off The Boat and have lunch ect.

    You will remember it forever.

  2. Hi there. I'm not sure where u r from, but personally, i think the barrosa valley (in Sth Aus, tho not in ADL)  is wonderful for a romantic anniversary. Victor harbor/encounter bay is also nice to go if you wanna spend some time with your wife where there arent so many people around. The scenery is great, especially on the Bluff. Kangaroo island is awesome tho u gotta take the ferry there. It is definitely worth going if u have time. Well, in adelaide....jetty road/glenelg is a pretty popular spot, but i like the adelaide hills. there's a spot in the south (not quite sure about its name) where there are restaruants on the hills and u can see the plane and the sea. There are quite a few other places around ADL, check out the following website,

    Wish you and your wife a lovely and special anniversary~!

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