
Are there any rules about parking cars half on the pavement and half on the road?

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Isn't it illegal at all? Can people just park where they want? It annoys me when I can't walk past easily, and have to squeeze through. I always move the wing mirror so the driver will be annoyed as well.




  1. There is always the Darwin law. That's the one where the stupid people eventually do something SO stupid that it removes them from the gene pool.

  2. In the US it is a local city and State code issue. Each area has it's own rules and laws.

    Drove me nuts when I went to one State and saw cars parked on a primary road with the driver side to the curb. To get in that position they had to drive on the wrong side of the road. Illegal where I live, but I asked a Cop who was nearby and he said, nope it was not illegal in that State, then he asked why I even asked. When I told him, he seemed surprised and did not really understand the problem. (or pretended not to)

  3. It is illegal in Britain.Just half the parents at our school do it making it impossibly dangerous for us walking people to get past. esp when they drive off the pavement as we walk past !

    I wish the police did enforce it. We have people here who use pavements like glorified country house driveways. There is a grass strip and they park on the other side of the strip and dont get prosecuted !

    Anyway it is illegal unless it is for access eg if there is a country lane to a farm on the other side of the pavement then you can drive across the pavement.

  4. The only difference the surface might make is to the code on the parking ticket you'll receive. It will either be PCN60 or PCN62 (plus, in either case, a suffix to indicate the number of wheels not on the highway). Parking with one or more wheels on the pavement or verge (of whatever surface) is always a 'contravention' (rather than an 'offense', since most parking matters were de-decriminalized) except when either:

    (a) there are official signs permitting parking on the verge or pavement; or

    (b) when the vehicle is parked in a 'non-urban' area.

  5. It is ILLEGAL to park any part of a vehicle on a pavement.

    If the driver doesn't like the wing mirror moved he/she will have to park elsewhere.

    Ask the police if they can word a notice reminding motorists that it is an offence to park on pavements - and print a copy on police headed paper, that you and your neighbours can pop under the windscreen wipers of the vehicles concerned.  (The police in my area have done this).

  6. It is illegal to park on the pavement.

  7. It is illegal but most people park on the pavement so that other vehicles can get past on the road. Obviously not thinking about pedestrians so good point.

    Saying that..I have seen queues of traffic due to someone parking "legally" and no one can pass, but I have yet to see a queue of pedestrians trying to get past an "illegally" parked car.

  8. It is illegal to park with ANY part of your vehicle on a footpath.

    In the majority of cases the authorities don't do anything because what is the alternative?  -  roads on new estates are so narrow and parking is so limited.

    Did you know that 'technically' it is illegal to park on any public road.  Again no one does anything about it BUT... If you complain about a vehicle that is causing an obstruction (including being parked fully or partially on the footpath) the police could ticket every car that is parked in the street that is not on private land.

  9. Hej,

    Yes, it is illegal, what can we do? although you are naughty, if it were your vehicle and in an emergency the last thing is having to check out the mirrors, although I

    understand where your coming from.  Do you drive?

  10. In the UK and Europe I do think it's allowed due to the narrow and old roads there, but in most places in U.S.A. and Canada, as far as I know, there is NO parking allowed on any part of a sidewalk.

    Moving in your side mirror is always a good idea when parking on any residential or narrow roadway along the curb.

  11. I think its illegal but  just not well inforced.

  12. Read the Highway Code, but also your local councils local regulations.

  13. Hi yes it is illegal BUT council do have signs and marked  places where you can park like it. so if your not sure contact your council and they will put you right.

  14. It is illegal.

    You can park anywhere on the roads as long as they don't have the double yellow lines and single lines will have signs as to when you can park there.

  15. its illegal,

    you'll get a parking ticket.

    like you get one if you park too faraway from the curb.

    its ''health and safety'' people might run in to it or something but i think its like the ''you cant ride bikes on the pavement'' rule;; everyone still does it

  16. yes it is illegal for anyone to obstruct a footpath, take the vehicles registration number and details, even the tax disc code will hrlp, and report them to your local council.  If the Council gets enough complaints they will inform the Police to start prosecution and claim for damages to the Footpath from the individual or company concerned.

    Remember not to damage any vehicle as this is also illegal.

  17. first ting to say is that there is no right to park on the highway, the only right the public have is to travel along it. Therefore any parking is a technical obstruction of the highway however it has become an accepted practice provided you dont cause a real obstruction. As to parking partly on the footway it could definitely be considered an obstruction but the police probably will not be too interested unless they get a compaint such as mums cant get passed with prams etc

  18. Normally illegal but not enforced. Some areas do allow it and are marked out.

  19. u r not allowed 2 park on the pavement

  20. It is illegal in UK and you will receive a ticket unless there are signs up to say different. Are they parked on the pavement because of narrow road? If it's anything like where I live there are never enough parking spaces and cars that park on single yellow after 6.30pm block all the thru traffic so we have cars bibbing at 12pm at night not good when you have young children - no win situation

  21. yes its illegal......good move with the mirror.

  22. I thought it was illegal and rang the police once because i was sick and tired of having to go onto the road with my new baby in his pram as several cars were always so far on the pavement i couldnt get through and the other side of the road had no pavement at all.They told me there was nothing they could do!!

  23. No need for guesses. The Highway Code rule 244 explains it.

    "You MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement in London, and should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it. Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs."

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