
Are there any scientific achievements concerning global warming.?

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Has anything been achieved already that can(in the future) reduce or stop the process?

Or are we already doomed and change can't come in time?

I ask this as a scientific question not a political one.




  1. There are already many ways to reduce or stop the process, but it's a matter of people not willing to sacrifice convenience in exchange for them.  For example if everyone took buses, or at least carpooled instead of driving alone, then it would reduce carbon emissions by a very serious amount.  Recycling has been around for a long time and has proven very effective in reducing waste and saving trees, but I still hear people complaining and actively discouraging it.  Unfortunately it's hard to convince everyone to join the movement because the problem doesn't occur overnight, and some people are just short sighted.

  2. Yes, they figured out it is caused by solar flares and sun spots. Its going to be ok

  3. You asked for an honest answer, not bumper-sticker slogans.

    Here is help, but you have to do some reading yourself.  -   technical papers and working group information from the United Nations Environment Program.

    ange center - note that Bush and his buddies for political reasons have suppressed some of EPA's scientific findings and conclusions in this area.  This applies to the next two as well.  -  National Climatic Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  -  National Resources Defense Council.

    But here is the most important place to start - The Pentagon's report on climate change.  As you read these summaries ask yourself this question: "Which is safest path - to work against it or do nothing?"

    For more references google "pentagon report on climate change"  

    I have only included two here chosen nearly at random.

    Good luck.

  4. U know why no one is trying to stop global warming? Cuz it doesnt exist. The earth goes through natural heating and cooling cycles. In the 80s, everyone was afraid of global cooling (ppl though we would plummet into an iceage) but tht hasnt happened. There's nothing to be afraid of.

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