
Are there any serious Spore players out there?

by  |  earlier

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Out of the people here who plan to play Spore, or who use the Spore Creature Creator now, how many of you are in it to make plausible, extraterrestrial life? Not cartoony, or wacky, or fantasy. Serious alien lifeforms with a plausible biological basis. I have yet to find other players who think like this, and I have LOOKED. So if you're out there, please give me your Spore user name so I can check out your creatures. Or if you know another user like this, give me his/her user name. I'm really interested in this.

10 points goes to the first person to answer who fits the aforementioned criteria.




  1. You know, not to be rude, there probably aren't that many out there.

    but i know how you feel. its really annoying with all this "Sporn" that these idiots keep coming up with.

    you know what? you've given me an idea! thanks! maybe ill try this. let you know if it goes well.

  2. i'm serious about the spores my  mushrooms produce.

    i know not if mushrooms are extraterrestrial.

  3. i'm serius about it i'm determind to finish the game no matter what

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