
Are there any signs of an ectopic pregnancy? or whatever its called when the baby is growing in your tubes?

by Guest31800  |  earlier

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If you have had this happen to you please let me know . I know a friend who died of this, and I am scared of this happening to me...




  1. I haven't had one but the pain symptom is extreme pain in your pelvic area. It is very rare to die of an ectopic pregnancy. Her tube must have burst and she must have had either internal bleeding or a severe infection. She had to have had some pain before hand.

  2. I am so sorry about your loss of your friend.

    Please listen - this happened to me 6 years ago. I had my period as usual but it went past 1 week with still heavy bleeding so doctors did pregnancy test (positive) they sent me for an early scan straight away - I never knew I could be pregnant as I was on the mini pill (which turns out falling pregnant whilst taking can seriously increase your risk of ectopic and this is what they ended up putting mine down to).

    At the scan they said no pregnancy in the womb but they were concerned that something was showing in the left tube but they didn't think it was an ectopic but would take blood to be sure - blood came back with decreasing levels so miscarriage was diagnosed and I was sent home but told to come back in 1 week if bleeding continued.

    Next week back again as bleeding continued with some clots - I had NO PAIN at all. Thistime they said nothing at all could be seen on the scan including the shadow in the tube and they were sure it was a miscarriage but the bleeding was just prolonged and to come back in another week if not stopped.

    The day before I was due to go back and still bleeding with clots I was painting in our bedroom when I started to experience shoulder pain. I thought this was down to the painting but within an hour I had severe pain in my left side towards the back of my body and also felt very sick and sweaty. I had to lay on the floor and not move, within an hour the pain had passed and I was able to carry on as normal.

    Went for the scan next day as the bleeding and clotting still continued and as soon as they looked I had to be admitted for the op to remove my tube as it had ruptured and I had severe internal bleeding - as it had ruptured I could have died - and to think I almost didn't go for the scan as they kept telling me miscarriage and I felt they would be starting to get  annoyed and think I was wasting their time.

    All I can say is ectopic pregnancies are very rare but if you ever have any unusual bleeding please always see your doctor even if you think there is no way you could be pregnant. You may (like me) not get pain until the tube ruptures and then your life is at risk and if bleeding continues at the same rate after they have diagnosed miscarriage please keep seeing the doctor don't let anyone make you feel like you are wasting their time, incase they miss it like mine.

    But on a lighter note I have had two healthy babies since then so all is not lost. xx      

  3. d**n i didn't know that was possible that's scary as s**+t

    here is some info for you:

  4. My best friend had one. It’s not something that will hapepn and you won’t have a clue. It’s insanely painful, like you can’t move/you’re doubled over painful. The pain is usuall strogner on one side than the other.  


    It has symptoms and diagnosis.

  6. You'll miscarry by yourself usually before 9 weeks.. if not your doctor should do an ultrasound by then and he'll take care of it. Youd be having a lot of cramping if your around 9 weeks or so

  7. I was scared of this to in the bbeginningbut the signs are a sharp stabbing cramp pain on one side of your uterus (which is low in your belly now) you could get very nauseous and start bleeding but when it happens its kinda obvious that something is VERY wrong.

  8. It is called an ectopic. I had a friend who had this happen to her twice! (once you have one its more likely to happen again) I know she had some cramping & ovary pain each time. Also, she had a fever the first time.

    One quick ultrasound can clear up any confusion and put your mind at ease.

  9. The most that I know about this is pain in the tube where it is.  So pain on one side.

    I believe spotting is another.

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