
Are there any similarities between Native American and Oriental cultures?

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If there are, what are they?




  1. I've seen books that are in print showing the similarities between the Tibetans and the Navaho.

  2. Some.  But mitochondrial DNA has proven many Native Americans actually trace their roots to Ancient Greece.

  3. No

  4. I know some Filipinos who resemble Iroquios and another who looks Souix especially when we'd sit in my tipi by the fire... the similarities seem to be only skin deep though

  5. They are related from about 25 thousand years ago but split.  There is physical evidence for their geneological similarities in the extra flap of skin over the eyes origionally adapted to keep the eyes warm in winter climates.

  6. This is a pretty broad question.  Considering that Asia and the Americas are both vast regions, each with many different and diverse cultures, it's hard to give a definitive "yes" or "no" to this question.  Depending on what you're looking for, you can find some similarities between almost any two cultures.  You could easily compare two Native American cultures and discover that they each have more in common with some Asian culture than they do with each other.  I mean, I doubt that the Pre-Columbian people of the American Northwest had much in common with, say, the Aztecs, at least not any more than Koreans have in common with the people of Sri Lanka (and probably less).

    The most closely related Asian and indigenous American cultures I can think of would be the Siberians and the Inuits -- but this is because the forebears of the Inuit arrived in the Americas more recently than their neighbors to the south.  Since they split from their ancestors in Siberia more recently, and the region that the Inuit occupy has a similar environment to Siberia, their way of life did not diverge that drastically.

  7. Many have actually compared Olmec art to African art, but others have noticed plenty of similarities with American and Asian groups.  Of course, many of these are simply due to the similarities between all cultures.

    I believe the Inuit do share linguistic and cultural similarities with Siberian peoples above and beyond the universal similarities.

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