
Are there any single police officers anymore??

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I can never find a single police officer anymore, they are always married. Willing to cheat too! Why do they cheat so much? Officers defend yourselves lol.....




  1. I know a lot that are single they probably just lie to you because you're horridly ugly.

  2. I don't need to defend myself.

  3. Most are married. The reasons they tend to cheat, well I could write a book and still not list them all.

  4. Well, it takes two to cheat so why are you willing to cheat with a married guy? Heck, if you found a single one you both might end up cheating on each other. Seen this also.

    Now that I have kidded about this..... I know it is a pretty common thing. I've heard many "reasons" why it happens. From what I've seen, it usually involves a nurse, waitress, dispatcher,another officer or worse yet, an 18 year old girl. Happens equally between male and female and the smallest town to the biggest city. Sounds corny but I think it is something about the lonliness of the job.

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