
Are there any skunks in Britain, and where would one find them?

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Are there any skunks in Britain, and where would one find them?




  1. Yes Westminster's full of them

  2. Dont think youll find em here. Only in a zoo/animal park

  3. in a zoo,

  4. try clay cross in derbyshire

  5. Sorry, there are no skunks in Britain

  6. Probably one in a zoo somewhere.

  7. Yes there  is one driving his car & threw out 3 crisp bags

    Last week some one else threw out a paper bag now thats what i call skunks.  Sorry  but they were both men

  8. i don't think so.

    i thought they were only in america.

    if there were they would be in a zoo

  9. I believe they call them polecats

  10. well these (skunks) will run you bout 100 bucks an hour for a happy ending

  11. try estate agents office....

  12. You mean s****s? Try liverpool street corners

  13. Your question stinks.

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