
Are there any smokers in British Royal Family?

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Are there any smokers in British Royal Family? Queen, Princes, Princesses... are there anyone who smoke?




  1. yes the Queen,she smokes like a trooper,getnit(Trooping the colour)HAHA

  2. There were smokers in the family. The Queen's father died of lung cancer because of his habit. The Queen's sister, Princess Margaret also smoked and eventually developed lung and cardiac problems.

    Lady Helen Taylor(the Duke and Duchess of Kent's daughter) smoked in the past;I am not sure if she still has the habit,though.

    Harry,in spite of both parents being non-smokers,is a smoker. I think that there are other lesser-known members of the family that smoke as well,like Marina Olgilvy.

    For pictures, try

  3. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

    Prince Harry

    Pics in source.

    Kiss (:

  4. Doesn't the ginger one smoke?

  5. The late Princess Margaret was a heavy smoker, as was her father, King George VI. The Queen Mom, who died recently at 106, was a casual smoker. Prince Phillip used to smoke but I don't know if he still does. At one time, the Royals were heavy smokers, but once they discovered the reason so many of them were dying of smoking-related diseases, many of them dropped the habit.

  6. Prince harry also enjoys a wee puff of the stuff if you know what i mean

  7. prince harry does i think?

  8. Yup, Harry?

  9. Prince Harry

  10. Princess Margaret was a chain smoker. I read that Camilla smokes

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