
Are there any sons of confederate veterans who are black?

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Are there any members of sons of confederate veterans who are black,there has to be black folks out there who have confederate veterans in there past,or at least mixed race people





    If you read the article carefully, it clearly states that YES, there are Black persons who are in fact, members of the organization.  Thus, they have met the membership criteria.

    For obvious reasons, the number is relatively small, but they do exist, and are accepted as members.

  2. Like a lot of "facts" about the American Civil War, this question seems to have at least two different answers.  Historians acknowledge that slaves performed valuable work that supported the Confederate war effort, such as serving as orderlies.  After all, slaves made up 40 percent of the population of the CSA.

    Also, indisputably, the Confederacy also pressed male slaves into labor brigades where young African-American men of military age built fortifications, dug latrines, and hauled supplies. Because this dangerous practice took them away from growing much-needed food, it wasn't popular with either the slaves themselves or their owners particularly when they worked on or very near the front lines.  The question is whether or not African-American soldiers  "officially" helped to defend the southern states against an invading Union Army.

    Wikipedia notes that on March 13, 1865, the Confedeate Congress voted to adopt "General Order 14", which offered emancipation for slaves who served as soldiers.  President Jefferson Davis signed the bill into law on March 23, 1865; and subsequently, a few African-American companies of soldiers were raised.  Two of these companies were armed and drilled in Richmond, Virginia, shortly before the southern capital fell.  

    The Lane Society, however, claims that 65,000 African-Americans assisted the Confederate Cause, between 5,000 to 10,000 alone serving in North Carolina units.  Moreover, again, according to the Lane Society, 200 African-American soldiers were awarded pensions.  

    Of course, slave-holders actually made up a very small percentage of the Confederate population, around  5 percent if indiviual owners were counted, but perhaps up to 20 to 25 percent if slave-owning families are counted.  Surprisingly enough, however, in 1860, on the eve of the Civil War, 3,000 free-blacks owned 20,000 black slaves.  

    Most of the South (approximately 75 percent) was made up of non-slaveholding, small farmers of European descent.  These men were fighting to defend their homes, so it isn't inconceivable that some free blacks might have had similar feelings.  To cite a comparison, the Russian peasants had no love for either the Communists or their aristocratic predecessors, but they stood up against the invading n***s during World War II.

  3. Yes, there are. Many blacks served in the CS Army.

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