
Are there any special supplications for the satisfaction of heart?

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Are there any special supplications for the satisfaction of heart?




  1. " Allahuma ini aozo bika min elmin la yanfa, wa nafsin la tashba, waqalbin la yakhsa, wa min aynin la tadma wa min duwain la ustajabo laha"

    (O Allah I seek refuge from u from a unuseful knowledge,A soul that is never satisfied,A heart that does not have Kusoo, eyes that are fee of tears & prayers that are not granted"

    Wallahu alam this is the best translation I could do 4 u.

  2. allahoma in asaloka hosna alkhatima

    اللهم إني أسألك حسن الخاتمة - تقسم ظهر الشيطان  

  3. I;m not aware of special prayers for heart satisfaction but whatever you recite it does satisfy your heart.

    you can recite, as I recited these verses alot, I feel good at heart, relaxed and satisfied... so.. recite

    Ya hayyu Ya qayyum

    Ya Allah ya Rahman ya Raheem

    Allah huakbar

    Ya salamu

    All these are really great mashaAllah ~!

  4. La Hola Wala Quota Illah Billah Eil Aliul Azeem

    it satisefied the heart,

    and may Allah forgive me if if spell it wrong,

    one Ayat from Quran give satisfaction to heart

    illah be Zikr-e-illah Tatma-en-l-Qaloob,

    Darood Ibrahimi gives satisfaction to Qaloob,

    and there are many many but i cannot translate/write exactly in romans.

  5. Allâhumma musarriful qulub, Sarrif qulübanâ alâ ta’atik

    O Allah (SWT), O Controller of the hearts, turn our hearts towards Your obedience.

    The Prophet(saw) used to recite this dua very often:

    Yâ muqallibal qulub thabbit qalbi alâ dinik

    O controller of the hearts, make my heart firm on Your Religion.

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