
Are there any specific math classes in high school that must be taked to be accepted into the USNA or USCGA?

by Guest44638  |  earlier

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I am currently am going to be a sophomore in high school, and I want to either attend the Naval Academy or the Coast Guard Academy. I just took Geometry for summer school. I didn't do so well (B-). I think it was just the fast pace. I usually do extremely well in math. I know that colleges and military academies really look at your sophomore and junior year grades. I have the option to take it over again, which I'm probably going to do. I already have technically taken the class, and if I take it during the school year, I most likely get an A because there's a lot more time to absorb the information, rather than go through a chapter a day. I thought they would more likely be interested in the grades you have, than the classes you got the grades in. If I take Geometry again this fall, will this keep me from taking any required math courses(if any) to get into the USNA or USCGA?




  1. If you plan on retaking Geometry. Take Algebra II at the same time and it won't be so hard because you will already have the basics of Geometry.

  2. Take the highest level math that you can. usually trig or some form of calc.

  3. You will need to take higher math classes and chemistry and physics too.  If they are AP classes so much the better.  Calculus, chemistry and physics will be on the curriculum during your first and second years at the academy.  Prep yourself now for them.  

  4. You might also consider boning up on your  spelling and grammar.

  5. Go to the Naval Academy, CG Academy websites.  You will be pretty shocked that you need to take the highest level math and science classes out there, especially for the Navy.  Physics, Calculus.......The Navy makes engineers and pilots both requires tons of math and science.  If you go to the websites though they will tell  you EXACTLY what you need to have as far as classes, extra curricular, leadership and anything else.  Good luck and hope you find all your answers.

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