
Are there any specific placements that would cause such a stressful time in my life right now?

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I'm sad, angry, disapointed and worried. sigh




  1. Life seems that way a lot of the time.

    If U need to talk e-mail.

    Take Care

  2. Well

    sad and disappointed = Moon

    angry = Mars

    worried = Mercury

    So Saturn the downer planet is in Virgo and

    it is conjuncting with Mercury and Mars

    Saturn is squaring the Moon in Sagittarius...

    So...   just wait til next month...  then you might feel better.

  3. yes, hon it's called life--suck it up and deal with it.......(but feel free to vent)

  4. I hear ya....I've been super stressed lately and my focus has been on something so dumb, my relatives down the road who are my neighbors really they keep running their mouths.  It does made me sad and angry and disappointed too about them always causing trouble . My man keeps telling me to forget about it but somehow I don't think it's that easy.  Maybe it's not so dumb after all.  All these planets in virgo lately yikes!!  Makes for lots of worry.  Plus I have 3 planets in my chart in virgo...what about you?

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