
Are there any spoilers about Luke and Laura's storyline when Genie Francis comes back?

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I'm wondering if Laura will find out about Tracy this time around. I actually feel sorry for Tracy because Luke treats her so badly.




  1. I've heard the only one that Laura interacts w/is Lulu, as the storyline Laura is coming back for is suppossed to be a mother-daughter storyline.  Plus, I don't think Anthony Geary comes back from vacation until the end of Sept or Oct.  So, he probably wouldn't be back in time to interact w/her anyway.  I've also heard rumors that the whole convo w/Laura is all in Lulu's head, so if that's true, it's doubtful that anyone else will be having too many scenes w/her.


  3. Laura will be back this Monday. I like Tracy.

  4. The rumors are that Lulu is only imagining Laura talking to her and she is still in the coma.

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