
Are there any sports that women are better than men at?

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I've been watching the olympics and always men are faster stronger, better than women at any sports.

Is there any sport where women are better than men or the woman's world record is higher than the men's?

Or where men and women compete directly and women are amongst the best?

(I'm not including gymnastics are skating because they are subjective and anyway is men and women compete directly, men would probably be just as good)




  1. Perhaps too long ago for most of you to know (or remember!) but Beryl Burton once held the 12 hour cycling record. For those unfamiliar with that event, riders set off at intervals and the winner is the rider who covers the greatest distance in the 12 hours open to both male and female riders.  

  2. How about eventing, archery, diving women should probably go into the water with less splash and generally women are better co-ordinated than men so non power events where you need hand eye co-ordination women could compete against men

  3. the short answer is no

  4. Maybe gymnastics as women are moooooree flexible than men.

    But in other sports = NO.

    Men have testosterone glands which enables them to work harder and faster than women.

  5. gymnastics.

  6. Well equestrian is the only event that men and women compete against each other.

    Women can be better than men at the equestrian, but for the rest of the sports it doesn't really seem like it.  

  7. women's gymnastics is always better than men's gymnastics in my opinion ;)

  8. Depends what country you're talking about, as women are brought up different around the world. Like in the USA, many women are celebrity obsessed idiots who want to get attention by getting out of cars without underwear, so don't get as many gold medals as Chinese women who work harder.

    Seeing that testosterone causes men to have more muscle so are stronger, then it would have to be the more skillful sports such as gymnastics. Women are getting bigger and stronger though, despite the media saying women should be skeleton models.

    Of course, many individual women can be much better than many men, but not usually when you get to the top such as the olympics.

  9. men at bitching about women. Whether its their driving or cooking, or anything they can think of,  as to poster who say women nag, well that is because you are all so feckin useless.  

  10. Synchronised swimming?


    I don't think gymnastics is that subjective.  Contestants are marked on the technicality of their performance, and the finesse with which they perform.  Same goes for figure-skating.  Women probably do that better than men too.

    I doubt there is any sport in which we are faster or stronger than men, but where a particular sport requires a physical accuracy or precision, I believe we outperform them.

  11. Nagging, synchronised nagging, team nagging, putting men down, tampon racing, armpit/leg shaving, gossip (both sprinting and endurance) simpering, complaining, synchronised complaining, team complaining, arguing when in the wrong and knowing it but somehow not being able to stop arguing and admitting that they are wrong, not shutting the f**k up, (similar to nagging but subtly different) spending other peoples money.

  12. Maybe if they made cooking and cleaning an event.  Yeah that's right. I said it.  Okay I'm just kidding.

  13. Yes it's a fact, men are better than women.

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