
Are there any states in the USA that DO NOT have disasters such as tornados, earthquakes, or hurricanes?

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Which state(s) have the least occurance of the above things?




  1. Northern states like Minnesota, Maine are pretty peaceful.

    Northern states are unlikely to have hurricanes, but for earthquakes see:

    and select a state.

  2. connecticut,

  3. I live in Montana and we of course do not have hurricanes and tornadoes are rare but not unheard of. Earthquakes happen in the Yellowstone park area and sometimes in the western mountains but not so for most of the state.  I was a kid when quake lake was formed in Yellowstone Park.  You did not mention volcano though and Yellowstone is a giant super volcano waiting to go off again. That is what will take me out if it happens because as the crow flies I live maybe 100-150 miles north of the epicenter.

  4. well i live in Utah and its pretty nice here we mostly get snow in the winter but that it and it gets really hot where i live its a dry heat i live in St. George UT but other than that nothin really bad has happend! we had one tornado that happend with a blink of an eye in Salt Lake but there are to many mountains to have that! hope i helped!

  5. Yes, the state of Confusion!

  6. Probably montana or washington not much there...

  7. Fort Knox where all the gold bullions is kept.

  8. I have not heard of any hazards going on in New Mexico.  But that is just a guess.

  9. Yes there are proboly boston,rhode island,utah wyhoming,nevada, thats all i know

  10. Nope. Every state and country has some form of natural disaster happening. Up here in Alaska we have the most earthquakes of any state. Ever notice that it is labeled a disaster if there are people and possessions involved. If a disaster happens where there are not any humans then it is just Mother Nature at work.

  11. maine is a sure bet lol

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