
Are there any students who go to high school to learn?

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I'm only 13 going on 8th grade, and ever since I was in 5th grade, I've wanted to go to high school. Not for dating, or relationships, or socialism. I always thought that high school was a place where you got to choose your own classes, join sports teams to have friendly competitions with other schools, and learn with more freedom. Over the few years, I've found out, I can't find any of these types of people. I've thought about it, and I don't want a girl friend until at least I'm off to college, but I saw a post yesterday where a girl asked for help because she wanted her ex back, but her ex said that he can't be distracted from his studies. After that, all the posts under were along the lines of, "No way, he was just wanting to have s*x.", Or, "That's a friendly way to say, no thanks."

Are you friggin' SERIOUS?

Are there no students willing to learn?




  1. 38 percent of the kids a my school are just shiity druggies and skip every dam class

  2. Of course there are, you'll see that when you get to high school. High school can be whatever you want it to be, there are those that use it to socialize, but there are also those that really do want to learn take their studies more seriously. It all depends on what you do.  

  3. Well where I live, the school district is pretty S****y and most of the kids just do drugs and sleep, but the part of my school that's in advanced classes... well that's where I am and I like to learn :) Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with my friends and going to clubs also, but the classes I'm taking this year are just so interesting to me :D LOL I sound like a huge nerd, but that's just the way I am.

  4. I could relate to the past when schooling was serious. I pity the modern generation where schools have lost that feeling of belonging and learning. This is due to many factors including kids loosing their innocence early; teachers are now coming from lower ability group; life is getting too easy for modern kids in rich countries like the USA and the rest of the Western world; loss of respect for the educated class.

    You can find a better sense of respect and belonging in some elite private schools where they create a mild religious like passion for everything including sport, arts and learning. But in general public schools, you are having no luck unless you get into some of the most selective schools where kids are more academically focused, but you probably loose out on "coolness".

    My advice is to ask your parents to look out for a school where kids want to learn (but not too academically competitive). Then try to build up a small group of buddies (including boys and girls), a bit like a gang to support one another. In that way you can play, learn and support one another. It's not easy. But it would really make school fun.

  5. I hate learning stuff in high school,why?

    Because nothing is fun anymore,and the teachers are meaner,and some could care less about you.

    School is a place to learn,but if it werent for friends and clubs, it would no fun at all.

    You need to add a little enjoyment,or else everybody would drop out young.

  6. Sadly it seems that very few students are interested in learning. I look around everyday at my classmates and wish there was a more advanced class I could take where only people serious about learning would go. But unfortunately that would leave about five people of my class of nearly 450. I wish I could tell you of some secret club that all the devoted learners are a part of but that's not the case. Your going to have to tough it out, but it will be worth it in the end. The people who truly care about learning will be the people leading tomorrow. Good luck to you through the rest of your schooling. :)

  7. No, practically everyone in my grade can't wait till Graduation Day 2009.

  8. a lot of people go to school to learn but not just about school subjects schools a great place to meet new people and make new friends you can also learn to play different sports and join different clubs so yes i would have to say a lot of people go to school to learn but not just learn make friends etc...

  9. I feel exactly the way you do. I'm in seventh grade, and I can't wait for high school, because I'll get to choose my classes. Haha, but my school's stupid.. we only go to the high school in 10th grade instead of 9th. So I have to wait longer than you do. >:(

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