
Are there any survey sites that you get paid for?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I just want to know are there any survey sites you can get paid for. I saw this question alot and the answers just looked like the people were advertising their blogs, websites and links. Please just help me out, and if you can, it would be nice if you showed proof of the pay ment. Or better yet someone could email me and explain that it works and show me proof. Ummm, please don't just try to advertise. Peace and love to all, thanks!




  1. There are a lot of survey sites out there that you can get paid for.  Now as far as your detailed message goes, showing you proof of payment, that's not going to happen.  No one is going to show you their checks, or an itemized listings of their pay pal accounts.  If they do show it, it's not real.

    There's not enough room to explain how survey's work exactly what's involved and how much you really make from them.  I do suggest you take a look at this article on survey's that will explain in full detail what's involved and the income that you "can" make.  I think this article will answer a lot of questions as well as you can obtain some survey sites if you choose to do them.

    Good Luck to you!

  2. Take a look. They mail you a check every month.

  3. I do earn money by completing surveys. Just to statisfy your skeptism, here are a few checks I've received from survey sites:

    I have more proof in my site. I know you say to don't want people to advertise they site but my site has  video tutorials and tips to help you with free online surveys. My contact info is there too.

  4. Well, I have a blog that lists survey sites that I joined. I'm not gonna lie... I am trying to get traffic flowing to my site, but I'm also very opened to help you out. You can email me at if you have any questions or if you need any advice. I can guide you to get qualified for surveys and do offers until you get your first payout. I'll also give you the link to my site, but you don't have to click if you don't want to. hahaha. To give you a heads up, it's just a list of all the suvey sites that I use and trust.

  5. this one works great, i use it:  

  6. The only ones that I know of do not pay cash but give out computers and such, and that is only if you fulfill their obligations. Unfortunately, those obligations require you to spend money.

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