
Are there any surviving drive-ins in South Africa anymore?

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Are there any surviving drive-ins in South Africa anymore?




  1. As far as I know there is still one in Parrow.

  2. No Hennie none in PE, Dstv and M net were the culprits that replaced them.

  3. Drive - inns have unfortunately been relegated to the history books. The most likely reasons for this are the inherent dangers associated with outdoor, particularly night time activities in the "New South Africa".

  4. We have one on the roof of the Menlyn Mall here in Pretoria, there also used to be a Drive-In in Montana, Zambezi Drive but that was scrapped to make way for a town house development.

  5. No-none of the old ones. There is one on top of Sanlam centre Cape Town.

  6. No, but it was great going to midnight shows on holidays, and kfk ..................never mind, you won't understand

  7. There is one ontop of Menlyn Mall. The rest in Gauteng has all gone.

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