
Are there any theories on what is faster then the speed of light?

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  1. Well when you think about it, if color comes from light-waves being absorbed and bouncing off of objects, if something goes faster than the speed of light, it would be invisible, right?

  2. when traveling at the speed of light time stays consistantly normal in your timeframe however everthing around your will be slowed down. So for instance traveling at the speed of light for say 10yrs your will have aged 10yrs but when your stop everyone will be the age at which you started traveling the speed of light. When using this information theoretically if everyone died at an exact time in their lifes say everyone died as soon as they hit 50 yrs old theoretically the faster people on the earth like the runners and sprinters watever the people who have moved the fastest and furtherest would technically die earlier then 50 yrs old as time would have been going slower around them as their very slighlty traveling closer to the speed of light for their lives then everyone else.

  3. Perhaps photons do.  One theory is that a photon travels as a particle and the other theory is that it travels as a wave.  A particle would travel like a bullet in a straight line, however, a sinusoidal wave is longer than the distance traveled (if stretched out?).  Thus a photon would traverse a distance at the speed of light but its total distance traveled following the sinusoid would be even greater, and its instantaneous speed must be greater than the speed of light.  Please excuse the pure logic, but you asked.  

  4. The expansion of the universe is thought to ave been faster than the speed of light just after the big bang.

    Also there's a theoretical particle known as the tachyon that may go faster than the speed of light.  

  5. Mad thoughts.. Well... Its partially a joke... but yet... when light is a physical occurrence... Then maybe we should look for another type of occurrence... Maybe something from actions and reactions.. or interactions... Speed of light is measured by travel in space... I wonder how to perceive correction of time... I mean time is supposed to pass the same in two different points in space... But.. hmmm... Wouldn't be forecasting a satisfying sample... I mean... If you want to give signal by light to other person.. and that other person react faster than light by intuition... Well... Its you who can get out the answer from my rambling... Good luck in searching for answer... I hope I gave at least some leads... I hope that they are not from wrong track... because some people don't connect Math and Physics with Psychology and other...

  6. Yes, the theory is called "Relativity," and with it you can quite simply deduce that no particle or energy or information can travel faster than c.

  7. Stephen Wright asks what is the speed of dark.

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