
Are there any tricks to an OVER HAND SERVE in volleyball?

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Are there any tricks to an OVER HAND SERVE in volleyball?




  1. yes you take 3 steps forward have your left foot flat on the ground and your right on your tip toe bend down a little as you go back up throw the ball up not that far and then hit it as hard as you can

  2. yes yo turn side ways and serve with a straight arm

  3. just face the ball hole on ur face. and try to hit it. you see the ball floating. it makes the ball either to the left or the right side of the opponent court. it will wourk

  4. i hit my overhand serve with my hand almost vertical. This helps me serve the ball close to the net; enabling me to have the ball fall fast and with more accuracy.

  5. well i would toss it depending on ur height and how hard ur going to hit the ball. if u hit it really hard and low to where it barely goes over the net then i would toss it not as high and curve ur hand. if ur looking for a float serve then u dont swing all the way thro u stop half way. if u dont kno wat a float serve is a serve that moves as it crosses the net like it will "float" thro the air moving constantly until it hits the ground or someone. If ur looking for  top spin ur thro it the same as the 1st one and u snap ur wrist as if u were hitting or spikin it is like ur throwing ur arm out and snap it back

    did that help at all?!

    i gave u 3 out of 5 volleyball overhand serves contact me if u want the rest

  6. Have your hand spred out and nice toss hit it at its highest point and jump a smidg ir you have to  Don't cross the line

  7. I used to have a lot of trouble getting my overhand serve over. But I've lately been getting my serves over.

    One thing you should get down is how you step into the ball when making contact. Like someone answered before, I bend down with my left foot in front and right foot bent with all my weight on that leg. I toss the ball and take three steps and hitting the ball. But not everyone steps into the ball like that. You just have to find one that works for you.

    A reason a ball may not be going over is because you (or whoever is serving) are not tightening your arm muscles on contact. I used to tighten before I hit the ball, so there wasn't any power in the serve. To get used to tightening my arm muscles on impact, my coach had me hit my arm on a matted wall as if I was serving, and focus on tightening my muscles when I hit the wall.

    Also, the swing is always important. Bring your elbow back, and when you swing to hit, your elbow moves forward and then "snapping" your arm straight and hitting....I'm not sure if that made sense, since it's easier to see the motion that explain it...And always follow through with the swing. Put all your weight and power into the serve.

    The toss and contact on the  ball is important too. Getting a nice toss is hard at first and really depends on the way to step into your serve, so there isn't much I can help you with that. As for contact on the ball, be sure to watch the ball as you toss it, and your hand should be open, not in a fist, and the toss should be tossed at a height that gives you the time to step in and swing so that the ball makes contacted with sort of the heel of your palm. Getting the right contact with the ball is hard, since if you don't get it fully with the heel (like it brushes half of your hand or something), it typically doesn't go over. If you hit a bit too high on the ball, it'll go down. It's best to try and make contact a little lower than dead-on the ball.

    These are just a few things I've picked up the past season in my team from experience and my coaches. I can't say they are expert advice since I started playing seriously only this year, but these are the things that I've noticed. Of course, you shouldn't try thinking of all of that during the serve. I now simply think about watching the ball and hitting the ball with all my power. It just takes practice. You can do it!

    Wow..that was longer than I expected...

  8. Good tosses, and you gotta go all the way through with your hand don't stop (your hitting hand)! If you get what I'm saying cool! But if you dont get what I'm saying sorry.

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